Post by Chris Hatfield on Jan 15, 2015 11:10:05 GMT -5
We've had a bunch of images posted in threads recently - which is great! always nice to break up the blocks and blocks of text. I just wanted to post the following PSA that you can change the size of the images by doing the following:
- Insert the image using the appropriate button. - You'll see a bunch of code gobbledygook inside of brackets, looking something like: img src="https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/84InOl96w78E3NJYyIl2uYkHSQ4=/800x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2933264/win-now-compass.0.jpg" alt=" " - Click on the "Preview" tab below your post. - Click back to the "BBCode" tab. - You'll notice that, in the bracketed gobbledygook, there should now be code looking something like style="max-width:100%;" - That percentage controls how big the image is. You can usually cut it to 50% or so, but posting and editing the post is usually a good way to figure out a good size.
Alternatively, and perhaps more easily, if you go into preview mode, you should be able to re-size the image using the old-school click-and-drag-a-corner method.
Post by philsbosoxfan on Jan 15, 2015 11:50:11 GMT -5
Cool thx.
It's mostly an issue when you post a pic at a link. If you generate your own pic you can make it whatever size you wish.